Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wacky Wednesday Harlem Shake

Did you all do anything for "Wacky Wednesday"? Well, my school did and it turned out to be a great day! My principal gave all of the teachers a "wacky schedule" to follow instead of our normal schedules. This meant many specials and PE classes were held at TOTALLY different types for each grade level. Everyone came to school dressed a little wacky. Except for my lovely 3rd grade team....we went all out because we are the "fab 5" (the reason for the "F5" on our shirts), ha ha ha!

Our day wasn't going to be complete without a little wacky fun. We decided to have our students do the Harlem Shake. Oh was so much fun--not to mention hilarious to watch on video. Now I know that I can't just tell y'all about it, I have to show you. So, here is our version of the Harlem Shake:

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