Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting to Know Me

10 things that you might not know about me!

1. I am a huge nerd! If it has to do with science, math, or literature, I am all about it. There are many times when my teacher friends just give me looks of confusion about things that I think are normal to know, ha ha. I was excited when I found my periodic element magnets at Target and my chemical name labels for my crayons. 

2. I love classic literature. When Barnes and Nobles runs a "buy 2, get one free" on their classic literature, I get super excited! How can someone not go into a bookstore without books anyway?? It's a mystery to me. Those free baskets at Second and Charles are frequently visited by me for those "how could you throw this away" books. 

3. Documentaries are awesome. Over half of my cue on Netflix is documentaries. I have watched everything from pieces about board games and diseases to historical events. It's amazing the amount of information that you can learn from one documentary. I did tell you that I'm a huge nerd. 

4. I love the smell of books. To walk into Second and Charles and take a deep breathe to smell the books is just wonderful. It just puts me in a good mood. One day, I hope that have a room filled with books to be able to capture that old book smell (well...maybe to read them too). Plus, just having a huge library like that is just plain impressive and cool. 

5. I love trying new dishes of food. I am all the time looking at sites for new recipes. There have been some failures, but there also has been a lot of successes too. 

6. I hate painting my toe nails. I know that it's completely random, but I absolutely hate doing it. After I pain those toes, you never know when the next time you'll see them again with color. Also, I don't take it off either. Meaning that there could possibly be a dot of color on my big toe from a year ago. My co-workers have tried to get me to pain them, but it doesn't happen. It's just a big pain in the hinny!!

7. After living in the South for 15 years (wow, I can't believe that it's been that long), I still say "pop". There are just some things that you can't take out of a northern girl. None of my students have ever questioned me the meaning of "pop"...

8. I am deeply involved at my home church. Being a part of the family of God is just so wonderful! 

9. I am NOT a morning person. When I get up, I don't want anyone talking to me or even looking at me. It takes me a good while to wake up in the mornings. Maybe this is why I get to work so I don't have to be bothered by those pesky perky morning people. 

10. I am going to Spain for a month! I can't wait!!!!! I am going to be doing the El Camino de Santiago (aka, The Way) after school is out!

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